Sleep Hygiene Tips for Renters: Getting a Good Night Sleep

Aritra Dutta

| 11-06-2024

Sleep Hygiene Tips for Renters: Getting a Good Night Sleep

As renters, our sleep environment significantly impacts our overall health. Whether you’re in a busy city apartment or a cozy suburban flat, practicing good sleep hygiene ensures restful nights and productive days. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips to enhance your sleep quality.

Table of Contents

Establishing a Cozy Sleep Setting

A conducive sleep environment sets the stage for restful nights. Consider the following factors:
Optimal Room Conditions
Having a comfortable sleeping area in your  Bangalore rental apartment  is essential for sound sleep. A white noise machine or earplugs can be used to create noise, blackout curtains can be used to block light, and your room should remain chilly (around 65°F or 18°C). These actions facilitate falling asleep and waking up feeling relaxed.

Choosing Supportive Bedding and Clothing
To improve your sleep, think about your bedding. Get a mattress that keeps your back straight. Pick pillows that fit how you sleep—on your back, side, or stomach. Use sheets and blankets made of breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.

Implementing a Regular Sleep Schedule

If you’re a parent, you know how important a consistent sleep schedule is for children. And the same is true for adults. To improve your sleep, stick to the same bedtime each night. Ideally, this should be at least 7 to 9 hours before you need to wake up in the morning.

It’s important to aim for a consistent bedtime even on your days off. Your body will start to associate a certain time of day with sleep. So not going to bed at that time, even on the weekends, can be disruptive. 

Engaging in a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Having a routine is just as important as having a consistent bedtime. A bedtime routine signals to your body that it’s time to prepare for sleep. Your routine may include brushing your teeth along with doing a relaxing activity, like meditating, journaling, or reading a book. You will want to avoid anything which is potentially stressful before going to sleep, like exercising or using electronics.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Try 4-7-8 breathing: breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, then blow air out slowly for 8 seconds.
Dim the lights: Bright light, especially from screens, can disrupt sleep. Make your room darker before bed.

Reduce Your Exposure to Bright Light Before Bedtime

Light affects your body clock, which tells you when to sleep and wake up. Too much bright light before bed can make it hard to sleep. To sleep better, avoid bright lights 2 hours before bed.


You can sleep well even in your rental apartment. Make your bedroom feel comfortable with soft sheets and pillows. Go to bed and wake up at similar times each day, even on weekends. Turn off bright lights before bed and use a nightlight if needed. If there's outside noise, try earplugs. A good bed helps you sleep better.


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